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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 6, pp. 877-1088

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Symbolic Factorization for Sparse Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting

Alan George and Esmond Ng

pp. 877-898

Fast Parallel Algorithms for QR and Triangular Factorization

J. Chun, T. Kailath, and H. Lev-Ari

pp. 899-913

Multigrid on Composite Meshes

W. D. Henshaw and G. Chesshire

pp. 914-923

Courant-Like Conditions Limit Reasonable Mesh Refinement to Order $h^2 $

Blair Swartz

pp. 924-933

Optimal Regularized Reconstruction in Computerized Tomography

Didier A. Girard

pp. 934-950

A New Algorithm for the Numerical Approximation of an Invariant Curve

M. van Veldhuizen

pp. 951-962

An Investigation Into the Stability Properties of Semi-Implicit Blended Formulae

C. A. Addison and P. M. Hanson

pp. 963-978

Numerical Differentiation by High Order Interpolation

Peter Hoffman and K. C. Reddy

pp. 979-987

Recurrence in Semidiscrete Approximations of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

J. A. C. Weideman and B. M. Herbst

pp. 988-1004

Calculating Fourier Transforms of Long-Tailed Functions

J. N. Lyness and Tasso J. Kaper

pp. 1005-1011

An Algorithm for Constrained Interpolation

Lars-Erik Andersson and Tommy Elfving

pp. 1012-1025

Co-Monotone Interpolating Splines of Arbitrary Degree—a Local Approach

Paolo Costantini

pp. 1026-1034

A Statistical Analysis of Generalized Feedback Shift Register Pseudorandom Number Generators

Harald Niederreiter

pp. 1035-1051

A Stable and Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Orthogonal Distance Regression

Paul T. Boggs, Richard H. Byrd, and Robert B. Schnabel

pp. 1052-1078

The Use of BLAS3 in Linear Algebra on a Parallel Processor with a Hierarchical Memory

Kyle Gallivan, William Jalby, and Ulrike Meier

pp. 1079-1084

A Note on Sparse Factorization in a Paging Environment

Joseph W. H. Liu

pp. 1085-1088